Friday, May 3, 2013

Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bridezilla

The idiom, "Always a Bridesmaid, never a bride," casts a negative connotation on the word bridesmaid. The idiom is meant to depict that the bridesmaid never really fulfill their ambition. That the Bridesmaid is craving something they don't reach, the status of being a Bride.

I'd like to make a new idiom, "Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bridezilla."  This idiom would mean that you never have that moment, that space in time where you become a  spoiled rotten bitch that thinks she is the center of the universe. Please no hate for my definition of bridezilla, I am merely paraphrasing Urban Dictionary. I think we should remove the negative connotation from Bridesmaid in this phrase.

This post is not about a single Bridezilla in my life it is about a compilation of experiences with all of
the brides I know. Most of us ladies have been there, our friend gets engaged, its her special time. We all want to celebrate her special day but then the celebration gets bigger, grows longer, compromises your  personality/character, and seems to take on a life of its own. All of our lives become centered around the celebration, but for longer than the time period of just the wedding. There are showers, parties, wedding planning, The Knot, and the list just continues on.

One of my good friends who is married said that when she got married she purposefully told her attendants she didn't want a lot of events. She remained a bridesmaid in my opinion. She acknowledged that even though all of her friends were over the moon, that she was getting married, they had their own lives and she could only ask them for so much sacrifice. Being a bridezilla isn't just about asking people to set aside time for you, it's also about being inconsiderate of your friends.

I know what you are thinking what kind of things could a bride ask you to do that would be compromising of your personality/self, or so incosiderate? Well they happen, ask any female you know, I am sure you can name a few. Even one of my best friends, who I love beyond words, had a bridezilla moment. She asked me to remove my strapless bra from under my bridesmaid dress, because she felt she could see the outline of said bra under neath my dress. I am very busty, this was not an option!?! I tried the dress on per her request, zipped up and then made my way to my room to put my bra in my bag. Unbeknownst to the bride, I put back on my undergarments before she noticed. One of the other maids wasn't so lucky and in the reception photos, there is evidence of her nip slip in a few photos. But getting back to the idiom, let's redefine the connotation of bridesmaid.

Bridesmaids can be married friends, therefore simply because you are a bridesmaid does not mean you have never been a bride. In history bridesmaids were young unwed women of marriageable age, however today that is no longer the case.  Bridesmaids are general your closest friends or family who love and support you to help you prepare on your wedding day. This should be a term of positive connotation. Should you never want to be a close supportive friend?

Therefore one day when Gertie take a walk down the aisle, may the crowd be small or large she hopes that she is Always a Bride, and Never a Bridezilla.  Let's give life to a new phrase!

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